BeNeRL Workshop
Belgium-Netherlands workshop on Reinforcement Learning (BeNeRL) 2022
Friday June 3, 2022
@ Leiden University
The BeNeRL is an informal one-day workshop, intended to bring together reinforcement learning researchers from the Belgium-Netherlands region.
The programme consists of several invited speakers from the region, a panel discussion, and decent breaks with poster sessions to facilitate interaction between participants.
We especially invite PhD students to contribute a poster, since it will likely get you in touch with other researchers with similar interest.
The workshop includes food throughout the day, and is free of charge (sponsored by LIACS).
Date: Friday June 3, 9.00-19.00
Location: PLNT Leiden
Conference room "The Launch"
VU Amsterdam
TU Eindhoven
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Programme: 9.15-9.30 Welcome
9.30-10.15 Invited speaker: Ann Nowe
10.15-11.00 Invited speaker: Vincent François-Lavet
11.00-11.30 Coffee & Poster session 1
11.30-12.15 Invited speaker: Hado van Hasselt
12.15-13.00 Invited speaker: Hendrik Baier
13.00-14.30 Lunch & Poster session 2
14.30-15.15 Invited speaker: Gergely Neu (ELLIS invited speaker)
15.15-16.00 Invited speaker: Elise van der Pol
16.00-16.45 Coffee & Poster session 3
16.45-17.30 Panel discussion
17.30-19.00 Drinks
Registration: expired
Travel: Public transport: PLNT is located at walking distance (10 min) from Leiden central station (directions).
Car: The nearest parking garage is Dirk Parking Langegracht, just across the street (it belongs to the Dirk
supermarket). A day ticket costs 20 euros.
Pictures of the workshop day: